In Circulation – Buliash Todaeva

In the "In Circulation" series at the Museum of Applied Arts, contemporary designers reimagine items from the museum's collection. Buliash Todaeva was invited in July 2021 to join this initiative. The opening of her exhibition in Budapest, planned for March 2022, was canceled due to the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The exhibition catalog was halted just before printing, and in April 2022, Todaeva left Russia for France to pursue sustainable and ethical design.Todaeva designs objects that minimize environmental impact, using waste as raw materials. Her approach resonates well with the DE_FORM team, who share a similar creative spirit. They have effectively reflected her vision in the exhibition’s communication and design, collaborating smoothly with the artist and curators. After a delay, the project will finally be showcased at the 2023 Budapest Design Week.

Client Museum of Applied Arts
Year 2023-24
Team Enikő Déri, Nóra Demeczky, Bendegúz Batke, Bertalan Bessenyey, Nagy Sára Vilma, Anna Szendrei
Exhibiton concept and curator Judit Horváth PhD
Co-curators Melinda Farkasdy, Jessica Fehérvári, Rita Komporday
Installation design Buliash Todaeva
Editor Orsolya Danyi
Photography Laci Kőhegyi
Location Ráth György Villa

In Circulation – Buliash Todaeva